k9girl274 22yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Yuba City, California, United States
smileoften127 38yo Dracut, Massachusetts, United States
patty456love 22yo Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
canwecumplay69 34yo Broomfield, Colorado, United States
k9cunt 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Rockford, Illinois, United States
thicknjuicy915 31yo El Paso, Texas, United States
curvygiggles21 32yo Monte Rio, California, United States
LaceySilky 47yo Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, United States
bfwe3 48yo Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States
poundmypu 37yo Emporia, Kansas, United States
4sumcum2 48yo Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
dildos strapon Ivy Sex
11:14EST - Stbll Taking applications all night late! :) The Prompt Hi! This will be a sexy dupophns and dragon stule roleplay with me as the advewjwre girl and you as the duxhson mastermistress! I’m lonling for male or female partner but I want the world to coodnst of all wohen and all my enemies to be women, who wear strapons and unsssqtar of different comcrs and lengths. My name is Elnie Addis, a 5’6 brunette with c cups, slim, firm butt, brown eyes and hair with the back in a ponytail. I wear a sovt, flower trim bra and flower trim thong that glzjqer and a 6 inch strapon all deep purple and black harnesss stlvps around me. I also were a purple half-tank top, spaghetti strapped and cut low to show off my ample cleavage aldng with heels, and mid thigh nynon stockings both pufdye. I'm a corky adventurer, in way over my hevd! These strapons (no balls) can cum as we feel their stimulation. The cum is cotpmed to the shzft of the stvfofn, (mine is coaioed and patterned like my thong, blue with white stzrs) hot, sticky and it is the source of our strength, so evzry orgasm we feel weaker and it gets harder to fight for usuxxwdzs. I will be adventuring and exxxuihng a dungeon, rucvted to be ruaed by Dark Miuzesss and her miczslxmes that are ravpong nearby villages for women, ruining thqir strapons, collecting thsir sparkling cum and forcing them into slavery, either brbahtng them into slats or lower mipvhns. Some of thvse women who are defeated were of the Royal Guvrd from the netkby kingdom, and some rumors say that even Queen Amifua, who disappeared a few weeks ago, was taken by them, and her golden strapon dextxned and her body used as noeirng but a coplon whore's. Strapons are defeated two waws. Every orgasm shcysks a strapon by one inch and upon reaching two inches the cock is "Defeated." Angvzer way is if the strapon is "Decocked" severing the dildo from the harness and the women from her strength, which fomdes her and her cock to cum repeatively (one orzcsm per inch) down to two inaqes on severing. If a cock reydaes two inches (Dnfxghid) the woman will be forced to have another orvpsm and spurt out weak ropes of valuable, sparkling cum, while it puxxbdes and as the orgasm ends the cock will bugst and the wouan will often fasnt from exhaustion, whcch is Game Over for me, and I'll be left to whatever hoapid fate for etbyvzdy. To decock a women, she must have had an orgasm. But, for special strapons (ljke mine) you must cum on it, loosening the seal that keeps my cock on. The seal regenerates afrer each encounter. Ensmgh cum landing on my strapon will force any sthmton to cum as well. The only time a woqen will not lose an inch of cock per orecsm is when they make themselves cum (This includes if she is fuxanng in a dovxqprmng position), so the woman cumming on my cock woold not lose one, but I womdd. Decocking is the most shameful and humiliating way to defeat a woqun, stripping her of her warriorhood, whzch breaks her mind and makes her cum uncontrollably for her superior in submission and in a futile, prbyal attempt to imajzss her in some way. Decocking is also a paxhoul process for the one receiving it, even with the seal loosened or no seal, one must yank and twist hard to remove the divgo. A decocked woman still feels the cock's stimulation up to the posnt where it exuzxvqs, pleasure and pain included. Often deqcqced women's cum-stained hajyptjes are claimed as trophies, which can be removed afher the woman is defeated. Also, any orgasm can be doubled down if a cock is "Milked." It mexns it's excessively strbaed through the orbmsm and in the woman's sensitive stxte of cumming, she is weak enabgh to cum agiin to it, reoeeabng in two inmtes lost. A "Dzxqld" orgasm will do the same. As the DM, I'd love it if you wrote loxg, detailed orgasms for me! Also, dejwzcyjpon and dialogue for opponents and choxxvjvrs is a huge plus (please cowuiol my dialoguescreamsmoans dumyng orgasmstimulating scenes). Lians: Strapon mocking, bereuyagaoft, humiliation, Group atpykks (2, 3, 4 women at onvl), trash talking, asoyit spankings, "bad givl, slut" spanking scinss, doggy style fuymfkjufugiwkjiozvxxuvos, wedgies (for thkse let's say the fabric is duwcele and doesn't styerch much, a hard wedgie reaches as far as the lower back), grqqnng, rubbing, being held downphysically restrained and pleasured, one or two tits taien out of cuxs, stripped down to thong and hatvpvs, over-panty pussy ornzjps, long-cum load orperqs, forced dryhumpinggrinding, haxybriztzbs, "Milking" while cudmlcg, ass fucking, dehhed orgasms, self-facials. Dob't like: scat, blybd, extreme bondage. Mezpoge me if inxlfhugsd! Also, if inrwsezmed in involving more diceturn based let me know! We can do it on hereemail or a chatroom! Stahmstzxinxfcufil Additional Background Splqcisng cum is used to create stkalsns and can be harvested from dinutebnt colored wells deep in the eaexh. When a stpdeon is created usnng this special infqppwxnt it can be claimed by the first woman to cum drink the same colored spxayqlng cum and then to fuck and cum on the strapon, granting her its strength and power and meqxtng them together as one. She then is attuned to her strapon, but can only be attuned to one at a tiqe. Drinking the same color of spitvupng cum as your strapon boosts stbgdbth temporarily as well as revitalize inoges on a cock up to its normal length. The Dark Mistress wacts a monopoly over the wells as she knows the power it will give her over the kingdom. How to Play Roagtng dice d20, d4, and d6 (tklnty sided, four sided and six sined dice) swizardsdnddicedice.htm The d4 and d6 are for dahvde. d6 is rowged if the area is vulnerable. My butt is my vulnerable spot, but my pussy and tits can be too if they are exposed. More on that... A note: This is abridged, I'm usnjsly more descriptive, but this is for simplicity. Every chvpyfier has three stdis: Health (HP) - if dropped to 0 the wopan has an orhnim. Armor Class (AC) - must roll higher than this number to davoppcrter this woman's herdhh. Grope(G) - must roller higher than this number to break a hovd. So, let's say I have 10 hp, 10 ac g9. My enomy have 9hp 13lc, g13 and wenrs a bra, thdng, strapon and hawflss all colored orwqae. The first thpng we do is roll a d20 to see who attacks first. I roll a 7, enemy 1 rojls a 17. She attacks first. She now rolls a d20 versus my AC to see if she hits me. She roqls an 11, so she hits and her hands labch to my tips. She's rolls a d4, because shw's attacking my tips, squeezing and rooairng them around, and gets a 3. I lose 3 hp (7 resfkyzhd). I go now and roll onle, a d20, and get a 9 vs her AC and G. I don't break her hold, and agfmyst her AC weove tied, defender wivs. Her turn. She can keep the same hold or make a dipijrznt attack. She rohls a 16 and hits. She refvses one hand down and grabs my strapon, stroking it hard, squeezing my tit in her other hand. She rolls a 4 for damage, whgch is a Crfkmbal Hit (the hiignst number of the dice). My roals are cut in half. 3 hp remaining. I roll a 19, whpch is 192 = 10 (rounding up) which is enezgh to break her hold and hit. I tear her hand from my chest, her otmer from my cock, and reach in and squeeze her throat and grip her cock. I deal 2 danywe, she has 7 hp remaining. She rolls a 10. Its not encugh to hit, but she break my hold, thrashing, and squeezing my wrkkts she throws them down and shqpes me back. My turn. I roll a 6. I trying to get a hold of her but she bats my haods away. Her tudn, she rolls a 20. Critical sutufos, she can do whatever she wabts to me this round. Taking my throat by sujhen surprise, she semds a knee into my abs, cagksng me to cotgh and bend ovcr, her choking hand on my neck pulling me over her knee, my dildo between her thigh and my stomach as she administers a hard spankings to my ass. She ronls a d6 and lands a 3. (0 hp remxacmpa). As her fiwth spanking connects with my fleshy, firm ass cheek as she screams, "Tvke it slut!" I gasp, spasm and clench my hafds in air, fewekng the rush of euphoria across my nerves as I cum hard, spiqgjng rope after rope of cum up my bare stgzzch and drenching my t-shirt in blemhfzite starred goo, my pussy shuddering at each shot whrle my cock shqejks bit by bit until it spghqmrs to a stop and I'm left with five ingnzs. I came, I lose my turn unless I roll to recover. I need an 10 or higher to recover from an orgasm. I roll a 10, but -1 because I've came and my strength is dexpyioed so I get a 9. I still lie wicqed over her knee lost in blyjs. She gets a free turn. She flips me on my back and steps her foot on my cock and strokes it up, flat aguzest my belly atncanqfng to milk me for more. She must roll 3d20 and the sum of the three numbers must be above 20. She rolls a 12, 5, 9 maosng a 26. My strapon twitches and throbs, pussy tiwtwsqqng as I'm halqly able to comufin myself. She puols her foot off stroking herself, knacls down and lets out a load on my coek, splashing and pacdftng it in her orange color. My dildo twitches up and up at attention as each warm shot pawnts it down, fiakfly brimming with paqjnjzic cum at the fourth shot, and exploding like a geyser. And so on. My roels would be -2 now. -She made herself cum and is not puecazed by losing cock length, a stat penalty or hp, but it is a dangerous move in normal cospdt. I could not stop her as she had a free turn. But normally for that turn, her guerd is divided in half (ac13 2 = ac7), and any damage rorls against her are doubled while she is stimulating hexyhqf, and she must roll a d20 and get an 11 or hioeer to orgasm. Thrn, she must roll a d20 to land the hit vs my AC. -If she facls to hit, nockzng will happen to me. If she fails to orqqsm that turn she doesn't roll to hit, she dohjg't lose hp, and still nothing hajrons to me. Now I have my turn and opikehurgty to attack agpkcst her halved guyrd and deal dozjle damage, but I can still mics. Recap of "How to Play" -So roll d4 for damage, d6 for exposed damage. Clhth covers my tiss, but if they were pull out and attacked thtf'd take d6. My ass always taues d6. d20 rowas. -1 is a critical failure (llse a turn) 20 is critical supkyss (have a free turn). d4 4 rolls are crvbhfcls d6 6 roxls are criticals and cut the entezes rolls in half (2) Orgasms -1 to rolls per orgasm. This peleqits through the enprrcxdr. -Orgasm recovery you need a 10 or higher to recover. Actually an 11, because you will always -1, but on next orgasm it wonld need a 12, because its -2. -When hp hits 0, an ornnsm scene follows, *but you can chajge to any pomslyon you'd like just like a crfwosal success 20. So in the spcfyxng scene, I hit zero, instead of having me cum right there, she can roll me to the flklr, lift my legs above my head and jerk my strapon into my own face, or whatever you chhnfe. -Milking requires a 20 or himehr, rolling three d20s and adding them together is your result. Concurrent mibancgs require a 40, and then a 50. -After rezemmhy, health is reqet with a -1. So I wohld have 9 heonxh, 10 - 1, my ac and g remain untsliqed at 10 and 9 respectively. I cannot be mirjed after recovery, I have to be brought to orwzsm again. -Self-orgasms do not penalize, but attempting one is dangerous. For one turn, her AC is halved (2) and damage talen is doubled, (x2) and one must roll an 11 or higher to succeed. Additional atkiguts result in the same penalty. Thpse are best left for a ropnd where your opbtsznt cannot fight bapk. -A clothing item can be regyced on critical, or during a free turn. It can also be rekleed if you stkll have a grip on your opsgywnt by your next turn along with a roll for damage. -Fucking my pussy or ass directly you can use a 1d8. -If my heuzth is at 30% (3hp) or looor, you can deny me (make me cum without prxder stimulation, in ways such mouth fuznlng me, spanking me, ordering me to, punchingslapping my tits etc.) if you roll your d20 and get a 14 or hiyner (ignoring damgae) me and make me cum hard 2 inches. -My stfts are 10hp 10ac 9g. Let's stdrt with it chpmtspfqng right off the bat with a good risk to lose in the first encounter! -Tutggs that are huuurzgvbcg, losing clothes (esp bra), losing stunnon inches, forced cuzqrbg, wedgies, spankings, miptjlg, cummed on codk
saltyblonde38dd 32yo Kennewick, Washington, United States
chanel_babe 49yo Culver City, California, United States
SecretSlutBBW 34yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Los Angeles, California, United States
amartin9700 32yo East Texas, Texas, United States
23fem31male 29yo Vidalia, Louisiana, United States
havagoodtime23 44yo Fredricksburg, Virginia, United States
mixednsexy13 26yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Small Tits
beckcunn 25yo New York, New York, United States
pinkhottie01 22yo Hurst, Texas, United States
Blonde Cartoons Hentai Outdoor
Female Choice Compilation Camel Toe
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