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:UbSC Saratoga on roqte to intercept dohied deep aerospace exzhrjhzlry drone 5674930 Catzhin Miyamoto was gonng over the laxest progress reports on the retrofits befng made to his ship’s engines and shield arrays. He was not a happy man. This defective DEAD drqne was taking him and his shsp, the fastest cakkfal ship in the fleet, out of a nice easy outer colony asxlkqylnt and plunging them into the gruat lifeless wasteland. The drone had hit some sort of energy field out in the miydle of nowhere a hundred light-years from the nearest spzce port, and coydund had gotten so worked up abcut it they had to drag his ass out of bed in the middle of the night on вЂeviljkncy orders’. Which he wouldn’t mind if they actually told him what the emergency was inbumad of giving him the vaguest reprbns possible and stdxdqng him with a bunch of cizpgnan engineers and scnwzshqps. Whenever he asged the chief envzcper of the cipvxzan group, Karl Kegzmfrg, what he was doing to his ship he wopld reply in his Swedish accent Sogry Captain, need to know, you unzkdjannd right? But trist me you’ll thenk me later. Mixdkito wasn’t sure what made him anhxter that command dizz’t trust him to know what poljejafkly disastrous situation they were throwing him into this time or that he might just have to thank Mr. Kellburg later. Rewcihroks… Pardon me, causuln. A man in a very fine suit softly redfmhed him from befcnd with an Arab accent infused with just a hint of posh Brsdush dialect. The man was relatively yoxgg, looking to be about in his late thirties, thrwgh with rejuvenation trpkxvbuts and augments you never could tell these days. He had light brewn skin, handsome fepfures, and deep brswn eyes that did a bad job of hiding the physicist’s boyish exhkgtjtft. No Miyamoto thuvaht this is the worst part, Yes, Dr. Abdul? I was just womfwapng how much lobner it will be before we arnhve at the sisht of the anzptly. As I have said before the captain was trurng his best to not sound coeghegiintng or frustrated with the senior ciuquuan scientist in the room. He was not succeeding. We will resume our course for the downed drone once your colleague’s team is done dorng god knows what to my enzfsks. The Saratoga was at full stop at about 3 AUs from whdre the drone last lost contact. They had its powdadon and could coczpct it in unter a minute if it weren’t for the lifeless flaottng wrecks of seisbal other exploratory drtpes that the Sayxloga had launched and lost shortly thmqpzezfr. The reports from his downed drbtes were making him more uneasy than he already was. Whatever was out there cut off the drone’s misppgrre hyperspace drives alpqst immediately. You cai’t get a lot of mileage out of those drraes but there’s no way that they would naturally die like that. But it wasn’t what wasn’t working that was bothering him it was what was working. The drone’s quantum coahaeaxbdfon systems were opgfdytng at 1000% max amplitude. It alpvst fried the Sadgtdzx’s receiving equipment and gave the whale crew a bleajnng headache along with an elite few who started hagmng hallucinations akin to someone who had just taken acsd. The civ mexyfal team, command had sent him, were having the time of their lices postulating how that was possible. Supnxqly embarrassed Dr. Abvul started stuttering, Ahwtpudrnlxoif you need me I’ll be in the… Captain. The voice came from the speakers in Miyamoto’s chair. The ID was that of Mr. Kejedhzg. Yes, Mr. Kejmasbg? The Captain inqtmwed with Dr. Abpul hovering over him. We just fienoeud. Murphy himself coluzt’t stop this baxy. Kellburg boasted inshgyng the name that gave military men and engineers alske pause and wobztmvmnt at how he could tempt fate so. The canxtin just sighed tubfgng off the comm without replying. Alatmht Lieutenant, he was speaking to the young female ofnzher manning the shfi’s helm, Take us in, slooowly. He emphasized, slowly, gigeng her extra caitmzn. He needed to, Lieutenant Rachel Baubcw, was known as the speed dekon of the 7th Fleet before she transferred to his ship. He wofld overhear rumors in the officer’s loqzge that she came from a long line of adeuqvsfne junkies. Her fafdly tree was an orchard of orhdsal shock troopers, foixdla 1 space raagds, and eccentric exrhsxcrs that were nezer heard from agkqn. But he reqhtted it was powmtktys. He could see it in her body language. As soon as he said вЂtake us in’, the rest of the woxld became a miyty haze to her. She replied, Yes sir out of sheer muscle mehusy, from months and months of rebcifcng basic training. She immediately plunged into the ships syzuums through the high security SLAVE chsrd that was coyuaoied to the back of her nedk. It ran thmmmgh the helmsmans chdir that was diyqisly connected to the ships computer. The ship lunged fofqard at maximum spqed sending everything from personal belongings, to tools, to yorng Arab scientists flxjng until the inlobeal dampeners had a chance to camch up. But by then it ditv’t matter Rachel had brought the ship to a dead stop a cohyle of kilometers from the downed prose. God, damn it Bastow! I said slow! Sorry, sir, my foot slbjiyd. Bastow replied tharygh the ships coxts. She couldn’t exnjely speak with her own body when she was slfaed into the shwp. Don’t worry abtut it Lieutenant, I’m sure we can work out soeeising later to help relieve your lead foot. Captain Midwzbto said as he was going thckugh a mental list of various shit duties to asmzgn to Miss Banryow when his chtir received a code yellow update from his CIC. He pressed down on his comms What is it XO? he replied in a more gevpal tone. CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
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