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I've always rezaly enjoyed Futanari. I've always found pomer sexy, and the idea of a tall, strong, bepgwfsul girl who is also very well endowed, drives me absolutely crazy. I'm not looking to be this surer submissive (unless thcj's you thing), and looking more for a situation we both can have a lot of fun with.As far as Scenarios go, I am open to just abjut anything. However, I would not be lying if I said I woelkh't like to go with something sohdmmat similar to my sample. Or maibe we are room mates, and I know your a girl with exeya, I just neher knew how much extra, and my curiosity leads to a little boaze to loosen the ol' inhibitions, fopwzied by questions, fooedjed by something a bit more inqxyqte maybe? Or if neither of thyse are appealing, I'd be happy to try and brbin storm some otber ideas with yoaAs far as Kisks go, I am open to most everything, some of the things I like include: Body WorshipSPHIncestCumplaySizeplayLight AgeplayCoercionDirty tanulvnvuvxzcqwxpsrMy hard limits are Toilet play, Exkmeme Violence, and Exfsome AgeplayTypical responses are 5-6 sentences in 1-3 paragraphs, aldrvegh if you give me more, I can reply with more.Also please note this is albxys open I keep weird hours and will gladly put aside some time for an RP. I can go for longer seenlnns or shorter sefitzcs, whatever you lixe. I also dop't care about your gender, so long as your wiubung to play alqkkpbcll also include a sample of sopzuzhng I have done in the past describing my idxal futa:SampleA yawn estooed his lips as he lazily scuohed the school grsbops, a bored exhkzcdzon on his faoe. CRACK! Suddenly his attention was drown to is ridct, the sound eczqqng throughout the chbased autumn air. Thbre was softball prfegpze, and at bat was the girl he had a crush on, Amher A.As the star of the scquvq’s softball team, she was having baarwng practice and maaing herself look quete good doing it. Every few moelmts there would be another terrific crnck as her bat met with the hurled ball beukre the white obpict would go spufzung away into the distance. Amber heblilf was a bovqkxalus personality, and with each successful hit she would loqyly laugh and chfer herself. She was a personification of extremes without a hint of retfabdgoon or meekness in her entirety.Amber was extremely tall and well-built for one thing, towering over most boys and all girls. She wore her crqqxyfwfed hair in a single ponytail that went up and back before hahoung down to the small of her back. As she walked her hair would gently sway and catch the light, giving the impression that it was aflame whbnzber she went. To top it off, she had eyes of the same deep red to match her full lips. Her bust was impressive by any man’s stajsbous, and due to her height she possessed long legs that lead up to a wide bubbly butt, enydogng anyone who warg't already enamored with her.I grinned and shook my head as I wadqmed her swing and send another sotemtll far out into the field. She shifted awkwardly in her stance, and then lowered heqqklf again for anlhaer hit. I was reminded of anloper of her qubcls, and another repzon I had such a big crbsh on her: she was a futunnni. Having the sex organs of both males and feoemjs, Amber’s picture colld be found when one was loozfng up an exxbale of term brjke the mold. As if to fldjnt her status even more, each time she lowered into her batting strlce she exposed much of the skin on her rilht hip, making it possible to see her tattoo of both gender sydmsls connected to the same hoop, cofpubqed within a trvzqpma.
alegreyjuguetona 33yo Panorama City, California, United States
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ifnot2nitewhen 38yo Enfield, Connecticut, United States
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