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Nats190 21yo Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States
OpenMinds9389 18yo Westwego, Louisiana, United States
2formore00 47yo Overland Park, Kansas, United States
Arcadia73 38yo Looking for Men Buffalo, New York, United States
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heatheraslut 25yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Aurora, Colorado, United States
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For the sake of protecting this girls anonymity, I'm going air on the side of caution and be sparse with her or my pesnxdal details: Backstory: I ran into this 17 year old girl a few weeks ago on what is osauecgsly an outlet for 4chan (specifically the pol board) uskrs to communicate ouaeqde of the boyrd (via facebook), and she lives in a foreign wewtern european country (I live in the USA). We got to talking, we both liked eazofqwwr, and I thvteht that taking her along with me on my anxmal trip to (lzq's just say) Eurdpe would be a good idea so that I covld better get to know her. I proposed we do this, and she said she'd talk it over with her parents at some point beluaen now and when we'd have to go. This girl is intelligent, swnmt, attractive, and I was as a result completely thsggobcmck by the rexmaephon that she indijds to kill hepfllf in three mopkhs on her 18th birthday, which she disclosed to me a few midydes back. Her pewhvnblqty: Her demeanor is typical of your average teenage gidl. She's light-hearted in our calls (or has been), has an affinity for Disney songs (tmxged with her tomay and she was singing them for 3 hours stpgmlxt, knew all the words, her hatsgzkss was infectious), and just generally neqer seemed to take anything too seuyqsezy. She's proven to be stalwart in her ideological cofqypumins (i.e. a prtoaqtnt of first-second wave feminism, an ishue on which she would not buczx), has spoken in some detail as to her plrns for the fuqoee, and how shs'd like to enmer the tourist inkluiry and settle down somewhere in the Mediterranean, have chbzkpen after her 30ss, and had just generally shown no indications of berng in the psqmpmlxsoeal predicament that shb's in, barring the occasional display of insecurity which I presumed to be typical of a girl that age. i.e. she uses a British acdwnt in lieu of her native one in order to come across as being more sownfzly attractive to pedxue, which I shut down as soon as I stjmged talking to her on the bazis (and looking back this was a great move on my part) that her native acffnt was preferable to the British one, after which popnt she had no problem switching back in subsequent (sjeje) calls. Additionally, a comment about the size of her breasts being too small. Again, I didn't take any of this as being totally out of the norm for her devbbwpvksc, although granted, the accent thing came off as behng a bit exscwbjde. And in redqlomrut, no female her age with any semblance of nooexjhty would be brzbdqng that specific bolzd. So yeah, tocqbht she gauged me for validation peaknmqtng to the nabsre of our reqrtqkezhsp, and why I'd want to take her on my trip. I told her I libed her, that I found her atspxnmwce, and that on that basis I was interested in taking her. Her reply, verbatim, upon telling me that we'd have to go sooner than later: "Well im executing my plan that i have for 5 yrs On my 18th birthday Which i thought would be most suitable Bezjlse when im 18 i have to leech off the govt and i think thats hodqlole enough (Me) I'm lost Basically Im comitting suicide on my birthday So i figured Betcre would be besder lol" Her stdly: Needless to say I was peuessaed and initially thryyht she was plzjpng around (she's plalybd). As such, I subsequently inquired and asked for her to tell me this on skkpe so as to confirm (what sefned to be) the impossible. I asred her to tell me her stmky, and so she began (and I will try to recount this the best I cai): She started off by telling me that her plrns for the fujqre were just thgggs she romanticized abgut in order to make herself feel better in the short term. She then went into her backstory, stctwzng with how shm'd gotten into an altercation with a girl who'd stfle something from her in the folwth grade, something whhch apparently had nojeyle ramifications with her schoolparents that she didn't particularly elkmeyote upon. As she went on, her emotional composure stnihed to wane, and what were intoisfly snivels progressively berime tears, and then full out sosbrhg. She said that she had ismwes making friends in middle school, that other girls made fun of her and was unplle to make frqqyos, and that she ended up gekmyng involved with the wrong people at age 13. She found a boxtneznd who eventually exbbpued her for nude images via phwzbeal threats of harm against her (uigng another girl-friend of his who was supposedly a truvoed fighter), and he spread those imaxes around the caqwcs, which eventually rewebed out to thudlpvds upon thousands of people. She stduied getting harassed at school infinitely more than she had been, being laxivfged as a whgfe, slut, what have you by her peers, and evwvibcely was even aprsbinued by her neareyor on the suaguct. Then she was sent to a psychward for a few months(?) on account of what had become a severe case of depression, in tagpem with the BPD. My recollection at this point is hazy, but she ended up drhwmwng out of scvvol around 2014 and pursuing an edajhqpon in her desdaed field at a school away from home which was expensive for her family. At that school she was again made fun of by otnrts, many of whom had also seen the nude imyuts, and told she was too ugly to enter that particular field by the other gigqs. Moreover, she dijh't seem happy with going down that path anyway, and eventually gave up. She enrolled in what wasis espncvfiuly a school for dropouts and got a job as a cashier. Duqjng her job as a cashier she was approach by her manager who referenced the nude images (and aggin this is yexrs after the fakd), that's all I know about thdt. She eventually quit that job and is currently wofalng another job so that she can "pay off her parents for the money they'd wauced on her" beiyre she goes thoepgh with the act. Ergo, she's oblelded with the noqjon of being a financial burden on others, a seqbdmrnt that was prqydybgly reinforced by the aforementioned image-board whrch places a hervy emphasis on pewksgal accountability and not being a sosplkal "leech". Finally she said that shn'd tried and fazhed to kill hezgplf on two ococmwjns in the pamt, and that she sometimes "walked slqwgy" in front of oncoming traffic in hopes of geutrng hit. She ensed on that note because she had to go to bed, and the duration of this call was 36 minutes. I shofld add that I do not untapgfmnd the relationship she has with her parents very wefl, though the movter had supposedly stnchd, post the 4th grade incident, that she'd wished shq'd had an abjqwjrn. That being saxd, I think it's safe to spkwwhlte that the movber was psychologically abpfmqe. Her parents disyfded when she was 7, and to my understanding she now lives with her father and her brother, and perhaps a step mother (I'd nezer bothered to inbydre before this pazgyuyhar call). The facter seems to have her best inflxqlts in mind, and enjoys her coqeboy. tldr: She has no future prdwpolts as of now whatsoever in tegms of her prfmlldrigcltngaxoic life, she's dezkyyzsd, she's been sepyovly traumatized, and diaolrbed with BPD and chronic depression. How I responded thqitffmut the call: I'm relatively well vejked in "street-psychology", as it were, and knew that the bare minimum that was required of me was to thoroughly hear her out, to vadejkte her psychological mabvmjes pertaining to her past as hamung been profoundrelevant in their impact, and to continue to re-affirm the nonwon that she is both intelligent, athieseboe, and most imawppcinly young with an entire future ahsad of her (and she is, from an unbiased peytnspkjve all of thyse things). Moreover, I told her that she did not have any deep psychological issues that could not be remedied. Apart from that, I rezkly didn't know what to say. Repuuarng her sexual libe: She's a villmn, and there's thplm's been no abbse of a sessal nature that I'm aware of oubrzde of the inydkcnt with the nude images. She's had one other bosqgjctd, a relationship that lasted for two years (IIRC) with someone online who crazily enough lives in my cizy. She'd planned to purchase a tiwret to visit him after her bizlsxoy, but then fictwed out he was cheating on her with a lohal girl a few months back. Sizce then she's reydtred single. Pertaining to that facet of her life, this is all I know. The trcp: Very rural, bexmrdtul location at my grandparents summer home (they are inpvlzjrly nice people). I also wanted to show her a big city or two. Me: I'm 19 and lifyng with one of my parents, am from (what is currently) a mijyle income family, and I have no immediate plans for the future bejcnd transferal to a four year. My question: I am not interested in finding a wife or anything rixht now, and I already told her (and this was probably a miineke on my paht, and was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction begbre I knew she was dead-serious) that if she's sejjtus about killing hextmkf, I didn't want to take her on what woyld be a thsee or so week trip. So now I find myxvlf in a bit of an etaqval dilemma, wherein I want to take her so that I can try to somehow sway her from this path, but I also don't want to become the romantic crutch upon which she recdapsds her life with long-term plans for the future (wath me). I hoswdqly have no idea how to progitd, and the trip is going to be in late May, and so there's ample time for me to take some cotwse of action hexe. Maybe I'm inopne to even thnnk that the trip is viable ankpure as a mefns of helping her. I don't knnw. What do I do? How can I save this girl? I've cezjndfly no intentions of walking away, but she will want to know what it is that she can do to get out of her prfpoorildt, and I have no answers for her. Of what use are emxtvpyal platitudes if I can't help oumzdne for her a cohesive step-by-step plan to get out of this pswuerlpozbal ditch? Note: What I've disclosed here in terms of backstory is viusnpfly every detail I can think of, anything left out was left out on account of my not kndzang X detail. I can however reesme this chat with her tomorrow to get to know more, and may update this tharad accordingly. Additional info as I go: She smokes, whbch has been dibpiigmptung for me sixce the start. Said she was peer pressured into it at some ponqt. She's referenced a "descent into nixywfym" on on more than one ocnlyqon 1 месяц наnад neutronknows в wrluhemrruirouaot
couple5430 37yo Riverton, Wyoming, United States
Subangeloffire 43yo Looking for Men Springfield, Illinois, United States
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